Thursday, February 16, 2012

You haven't lost us yet!

Hi All,
So sorry that we haven't updated you for awhile. It's been busy around the Aossey household as of late. From fighting off all forms of sickness to a bit of travel, we have had our hands full!
We went to Denver to see gg and papa this past weekend. The visit was wonderful. Weather was perfect and my mom and dad were perfect hosts. We were not perfect visitors though. Specifically, Davis was not a perfect visitor.
He came with croup, he left with viral pneumonitus. Nice, huh?
Anyway, he is doing better with the exception of a bad attitude.
I am really hoping that some of the cause of the rage & temper tantrums is from the steroids he was taking because I have NO idea how we are going to get through his terrible 2s if 17 months are this bad. He goes from one extreme to the next, and we can't keep up.
Any advice is welcome!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Gadgets

Check Out My New Widget to the left! The images go straight from my phone to the blog!
I promise I will write more later!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Week, New ME!

I stole this image & quote board from a gifted blogger and wonderful person who shares my love for quotes, pictures of our babies, and, of course, pinterest!

Wish me luck!!! I am starting a new exercise and eating program tomorrow. I am super excited but scared of failure too! I will write more once I get into it, but I thought you could keep me accountable too!
We had a great weekend full of odd jobs around the house and lots of errands. See Chad using the snowblower for the first time below.
Davis continues to amaze us! He is still a dancing machine, but is starting to talk more. It is so exciting for us, especially me, because I was getting a little worried. Anyway, he totally gets what we are saying and is now starting to talk back!
Sorry for the short post, but I have a bunch to do to get prepped for my new program and a big week of work.
Have a happy week!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A time to reflect...

I am sure if you read a bunch of blogs, that you know, occasionally, everyone takes a post or two to look back, reflect, and take a sec just to breathe. That is what I am doing.
I am not sure why I am in the mood to do could be that I am traveling for work and have a bit of time to myself, it could be that I am missing my boys, who knows. Anyway, let the reflection begin.
First things first...DAVIS. You are our universe. Before you came, I knew I would love you, but I never knew this feeling. I really don't think you know until you become a parent. Overwhelming LOVE. The feeling of wanting to hug you, learn from you, teach you, and just watch you overwhelms me. I cannot believe how big you are. At 16 months, you are so not a baby. You are losing those baby looks too. When your daddy and I look at pictures now, we can see glimpses of little boy and are starting to see what you may look like on your first day of kindergarten and beyond. I am so sad to wave goodbye to babyhood, but I love you at this age. You are hilarious...there is no doubt about it. You got your daddy and your uncle TJ's showmanship and love the audience. You can be difficult, of course, as you want for independence. This comes at mealtime usually. We are getting through it, with a lot of tips from friends. You love green beans one day, and hate them the next...but if I have anything to do with it, YOU WILL BE A VEGGIE LOVER.
Food is a hot-button issue at our house. We both want Davis to grow up appreciating good food, the feeling of an exquisite meal, but with the will-power to not be glutteonous. We know he will inherit our sweet teeth, and our trying desparately to curb it (YOu may find us sneaking M&Ms in rooms that Davis is not in). We want him to be willing to try anything but to know limits. We know we have an up-hill battle as we are headed to the land of kids menus consisting of chicken tenders and french fries. Davis hasn't had a chicken tender or french fry up until this point, but I know the moment it touches his lips, we are in trouble.
Anyway, back to sum it up, Davis, even in your most difficult times ahead, we love you, more than you will know...until you are a daddy.

So, Chad and I do have lives outside of Davis. Surprise, I know. We are both busy with being at Smucker's for about 9 months and Chad at MTG for about 6 months. I think we are still learning the ropes. The companies have good cultures, just very different from what we were used to. It will take some time to fully adapt of course. We are so blessed to have found good, meaningful work that we believe in (and that pays the bills, of course).

That being said, looking back to the time in April when we were hit with THE BIG DECISION.

We made the right one.

What a good feeling! We did. We made the decision to move for OUR FAMILY...for Chad, Me, Davis, and the pups. I love our family, and we are home.

Davis gets to see his grandparents often. We love his teachers and his school. He has a big backyard to play in this summer. We have room to grow in our house. Our community is beautiful and friendly.

...Not everything is peachy though....

We both have commutes-not traffic, but miles, we miss the restaurants in ATL, we miss our friends in ATL, the cold sucks, no one knows where Medina is, Atlanta sounds a lot cooler than Cleveland, the Browns suck, and Whole Foods is 40 minutes away.

BUT, we are home, and it's not really because of the positives or the negatives listed up there. It is because we are together...and as much as we love Davis, we love eachother more to, and there is no one I would rather spend this journey with!

Thank you to all who have touched our life through this year and in the past.

Thank you for helping us find home.

Here's a picture of me in a breakfast joint in Nashville that I love! It's called Fido if you want to check it out. Chad and I discovered it the last time we were here when I was a couple of months pregnant for the boy.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A new favorite fruit perhaps?

We promise...he really did love it!

Despite the looks on his face in most of the shots you see below of Davis in the snow, he did not want to come inside! This is the first time little man has actually set foot in snow. I am sure there is a lot more snow to come so we are on the look out for a little hill for dude to sled down. He will LOVE it!

Friday, January 13, 2012

...and winter begins

I woke up this morning & instantly turned on the TV expecting: Medina County- Schools closed, or at least a 2 hour delay. I got nothing. These people are tough up here.
In Atlanta, emails would have been flying, schools would be closed for the week, and we would be snuggling in front of the fire.
We are back to Ohio, and we better get used to it.
Oh...Mother Nature.
Maybe you'll get a picture of a little Snow Baby this weekend though.
Happy Winter & Stay Warm!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Our son, the dancing man.

He may not always use mama and dada the right way...and he may wave backwards from time to time, but the kid can dance...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I am back, and I have alot of excuses...

So....first off, I am sorry...if you are out there. I missed you so, but I just couldn't find the energy...until now.
I am back, and I am going to try to get Chad to blog too.
There is so much to talk about, and some days there will be less, and some more, but I really really want to start to blog more.
So, here goes...and I am really sorry for the absence.

Anyway, it has been 8 months since my last blog entry. UGH...and so much has happened!

We moved, both got new jobs, Davis started two new schools, sold a house (if you can call it that), bought a house (you can definitely call it that), and are just starting to settle now.

and Davis-

you are HUGE! 15.5 months, 26.6 lbs, and 30 some inches (sorry, I forget!!)

You are so loved by EVERYONE. Most of the time, you have the funniest personality, lately, at dinnertime, it is not so funny though. I'll take the good with the bad though. You are a dancing fool, can say dog, mama, da, and that. You grab your head when we ask you to, and spend most of your time opening the pantry doors, chasing the dogs, and obsessing over the fireplace.

Your school is fantastic. When we moved to Ohio, we started you in one school, and didn't care for it, but by the time we decided we didn't like the first school, there was a spot in the thing that has ever happened!! You love your teachers and they love you!! You have had some bitting incidents, but not in a awhile, and play and learn all day long.

To sum it up. We have had the most dynamic year yet, and you are a dream. You are flexible and go with the flow, and your daddy and I appreciate that SO MUCH.

Thank you for being the little boy that you have become. We love you so.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh how I love the weekend!

So...has spring sprung in your neighborhood? It has here. And with Spring, comes spring cleaning and that is what the Aossey Posse plans to do this weekend. I am even considering putting the little one to work. Have a great weekend!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


While going through pictures, videos, and old files on our hard drive, Chad came across this one. I remember this weekend like it was yesterday. What a lucky girl I was and still am.
